Thursday, July 16, 2009


Reda: Why didn't you fly to Mecca? It's a lot simpler.
Papa: When the waters of the ocean rise to the heavens, they lose their bitterness to become pure again.
The ocean waters evaporate as they rise to the clouds. And as they evaporate,they become fresh. That's why it's better to go on your pilgrimage
on foot than on horseback,and better on horseback than by car,and better by car than by boat, and better by boat than by plane.
-Le Grande Voyage-

semoga kita semua diberi keihklasan atas waktu yang kadang melambat saat kita ingin masalah segera berlalu, dan melaju cepat ketika bahagia membuat kita ingin waktu berhenti.

1 comment:

syiddat said...
